Friday, July 31, 2009

Collection of Data

Here are pictures that showed the actual progress of data collection.
The Set Up for measurement of height
Measurement of Height
Measurement of palm length

For the measurement of the palm length, we standardised it will be measuring from the base of the palm to the tip of the middle finger (which is usually the longest finger). The instrument for measurement was a standard measuring tape. We decided to adhere to the 0.1 cm increment for consistency and accuracy of the data collected.

For the measurement of the height, we standardised it will be measuring from the base of the heel to the top of the head. The instrument for measurement was a standard measuring tape. We decided to adhere to the 0.5 cm increment for consistency and accuracy of the data collected.

To further rule out any other inconsistency, we made sure to record the readings with our eye level directly perpendicular to the measuring tape, to minimise any chance of parallax error.

This process was repeated 3 times for ruling out any anomaly and for greater accuracy and consistency.

The following table shows the 3 sets of data and the averaged readings of the palm length and the height.

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